Cycle Camping, Bikepacking, and Velocamping

Looking for information on bicycle camping and adventures a while back, I found it challenging to locate resources that envisioned bike camping in the same way that I do. There are a number of big-name sites on it, but sometimes the terminology was confusing.

What do we call it? The phrase I always used was “bike camping” but in my research I came across a number of other terms, such as cycle camping, bikepacking and velo camping (as well as cyclocamping, cyclopacking, and many other variations).

But are they all the same thing? Generally, yes. Specifically, no.

“Bikepacking” means packing up a bunch of stuff and setting out on trail. It is derived from backpacking, which doesn’t necessarily entail camping. Bikepacking could mean taking a bunch of gear on the trail and then stopping in town and staying at a hotel, motel, or hostel.

A friend and I also were using the term “cyclocamping” for a while, but it is somewhat cumbersome, doesn’t roll off the tongue as well as “bike camping” or “bikepacking.”

Personally, I prefer the phrase “bike camping” because it’s easier to say than “bikepacking” and has a more specific meaning.

You go out on your two-wheeler (bike) and when you get where you’re going, you set up a tent or a hammock and you bed down for the night (camp). Bike camping. Simple, right?

Now get to it!