What is Bike Camping?

You might be wondering, “What is bike camping anyway?”

Well, bike camping means riding your bike to a campsite and staying there overnight.

That’s the simple explanation. But of course there’s more to it.

This is where I’m going to share my experience and knowledge of all things bicycle camping.

Read on for the where, why, and how of bike camping.

Where to go Bike Camping?

This is an area where you want to do some research and planning. Some camp areas have dedicated bike camping sites, others have “hike-in” sites which are often accessible by bike, and then there is the traditional campsite that usually has room for a car or RV to park.

Here are a few books to give you some ideas of good places to go bike camping:

Where Should We Camp Next?: A 50-State Guide to Amazing Campgrounds and Other Unique Outdoor Accommodations
Ultralight Bike Touring and Bikepacking: The Ultimate Guide to Lightweight Cycling Adventures
Moon USA National Parks: The Complete Guide to All 62 Parks (Travel Guide)

Why go Bike Camping?

You should go bike camping because it lets you:

  • Have fun
  • Get exercise
  • Learn self-reliance
  • Learn cooperation
  • Explore your region
  • Spend less on gas/car
  • Breathe fresh air

How to go Bike Camping?

Get a bike. Get a hammock. Get a sleeping bag. Get some gear if you want. That’s your starting point.

You’ll also want food and water. Don’t worry, you can pick some up along the way.

Make sure you take a look at our bike camping checklist before you leave on your bike adventure. That will give you a good idea of what bike camping essentials you’ll need.

Then get on your bike, ride it to a campsite, set up your hammock, eat some food, and sleep in your sleeping bag.

That’s it. Now you’re a fellow bike camper!